View Profile Dragonman11

94 Movie Reviews

20 w/ Responses


Yes i agree with other fella, very smooth animation, what frame rate was it? liek 30?

ANyway, its a good short but would be even better with a bit mnore depth and length.

Good luck on future stuffs!

Hey, i like it!

Not bad for your 2nd one, i see you got a bit of walking and improvements over the first.

I've also made a fire emblem flash, its called "Fire emblem sprite fight", there arent many fire emblem flashes on NG so maybe we could all make a colab or somthing one day.

Anyway, keep working ont he sprites but i know its hard to get the walking coz the FE sprites dont walk, only attack.

Good luck for your future projects!

Shuuda responds:

Thanks mate. I liked your sprite fight as well. A collab would be cool, I may start drawing for a change.

Ok, i guess

I can see you worked hard on that, but i dont see how gay people and fat people distracted you. You got homophobia or somthing?
pff... non-tolerant people, think they're real cool dissing fat or gay people, it sickens me.

Apart from your derogatory coments, it was an ok movie. Lacking a bit of speed or excellence though. Good luck next time, and try to avoid derogeratory coments.

Pretty dam sweet!

I can tell you're German or there abouts because of your name and you're spelling errors. It was a good translation.
TO tell the truth i love history, especially the WorldWars so this appealed to me alot, fight scenes were awesome!


Quite original!

The whole idea of starting a beat out of gunshots is very original. I've never played counterstrike, but i'm a hardcore Battlefield 2 junkie. I loved the 3D sorta backgrounds liek when the guy with the greneades threw stuff and i think some of those scences might've been only CS jokes but hey, still good, if repetitive.

I've yet to see a frontpage flash author keep thier promise of responding to reviews, make me proud!

StealthBeast responds:

glad you liked it. Off the bat i'll have to inform u that neither cs nor cs:s are vaguely similar to bf2. bf 2 feels like its own genre of fps. the 3d backrounds were not as hard as many think it is, but it certainly wasnt easy. thanks for the review. Sorry for the late response, I'm swamped =_=


It wasn't that great, I found this while looking for an AYB with a storyline (none found so far) i came accross this.
I thought "hey its mario, cant be too bad" but I was really dissapointed.

AYB MINIMUM is shots of "All your base" photoshopped into them. This didnt even have that! I still like the original AYB best and always will (not that some of the others arent too bad) till i find one with a storyline....

Dragonman11's sum up: Might wanna work on your overall flash design script.


It dont work. The link is dead.

Hey, i like it!

Pretty good. I found this via your name on a forum when you sig caught my eye. I've seen that one on the AW:DS forums on gamespot, am i right? Or is it someone else.

SOme people like to talk alot of crap *cough* previous reviewer *cough*. It was good, i had no problems with the graphics and it was funny.

ANyway, good to see you reply to your reviews. Good luck for the future fellow OZ.

Dead-Man-Inc responds:

Hah, thanks alot.

Btw, no, I don't have an account on Gamespot forum so it might be someone else who has a similar one. I havn't seen it.


I wasnt around when the NG army was around. Was it like the system we have now? Why did it stop, i wanted to join.....

Mmm new zelda looks good. EDIT - I got into trouble coz my little brother's *** friend decided to leave a "nice" review. Bloody hell!!!! :@

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